idly noticing birds again
A Robin was singing in a tree this morning around 9.30 when it was still sunny. I saw a White-throated Sparrow on the big rocks around 11 a.m.
I like birds.
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views and viewpoints from an acre and a half --or thereabouts-- in Vermont
A Robin was singing in a tree this morning around 9.30 when it was still sunny. I saw a White-throated Sparrow on the big rocks around 11 a.m.
I like birds.
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at 7:31 PM Tags: identification 0 comments
Saw and heard the Eastern Phoebe today. He was out back, briefly on the beams of the back balcony and more usually on the second-largest yellow birch that leans up toward the house from the creek bank.
Also saw 2 Chipping Sparrows on the mixed seed feeder. We probably need more bird seed again.
Must note them on ebird.
at 11:26 AM Tags: birds, identification 0 comments
Seen this morning: 2 Tufted Titmice; 1 Chipping Sparrow in Breeding Colors.
Heard: More than 3 chickadees. No phoebe this morning. Don't know what these are:
(warbly whistle) puwé puwé puwé
(squelchy) squué!
at 11:23 AM Tags: birds, identification 0 comments
Saturday, May 17th, will be International Migratory Bird Day.
Come celebrate at the Birds of Vermont Museum, if you are near Huntington, Vermont, that day!
at 11:59 AM Tags: birds, explorations 0 comments